We have been taught to target harmful bacteria, molds, mildew and other pathogens and kill them with disinfectants. 

Why Probiotics?

Why do we use probiotics to kill mold?

Probiotics are unrivaled in their ability to eradicate mold and re-establish the homes biome.

Before we dive into what probiotics actually are, let’s first look at the standard of cleaning. 

“Limited contact with nature is destroying our immune system” - Zach Bush, M.D.

Chemical-based disinfectants have been the standard way to clean homes. 


Bleach takes the cake for favorite disinfectant for obvious reasons. Bleach has done some great things; for the medical industry, disinfecting surgical blades and for your home, removing tough stains. When we look at how bleach works against mold we find some problems.

Bleach has the ability to tackle surface mold but lacks the ability to clean below the surface. When bleach is applied to mold growing on wood sheathing, you are left with the appearance of a clean surface.  

However, the mold is not gone.  Not entirely. 

The water found in bleach and other disinfectants, like hydrogen pro-oxide, becomes a food source that feeds the surviving mold. Not only can we expect mold to come back, we can expect it to come back stronger and more resistant to the disinfectant.

Not only do disinfectants fail to reach below the surface, they do not differentiate between good and bad bacteria. They kill them both.   

Disinfectants used in your home will create a sterile environment that is full of BioFilm (dead bacteria). This now sterile environment is a perfect breeding place for harmful bacteria, molds, and other pathogens.

These harsh chemicals are also water soluble and start evaporation within minutes of being administered. Disinfectants produce volatile organic compounds. VOCs are large groups of chemicals that off-gas and release into your homes airspace. 


Just as your gut uses healthy bacteria to break down and digest food, your home’s environment or biome needs help breaking down bad bacteria, molds, and other pathogens. 

Probiotics are benificial bacteria and yeasts that are found in a healthy microbiome.

Just as your gut uses healthy bacteria to break down and digest food, your home’s environment or biome needs help breaking down bad bacteria, molds, and other pathogens.  

In a similar way, Biorganic Mold Removal’s treatments harness the power of probiotics to kill mold and mycotoxins, leaving billions of healthy bacteria in the airspace.  The healthy bacteria devours the mold and neutralizes the toxicity of its structure.

Probiotics are nature’s way of combating air contaminants and creating an adverse environment for mold.  Using our probiotics eliminates mold and promotes a balanced environment that prevents future growth.

We employ billions of nature’s healthy bacteria to eliminate harmful bacteria, mold mycotoxins, and other pathogens that pose a risk to your health.  

Our proprietary, plant-based, full-spectrum probiotic is unrivaled in its ability to eradicate mold and re-establish a lush home biome.